why robin?

We believe in the real talent of people. We believe everyone has great potential to do something amazing, could match in the right team and will shine in the right role.

So in Robin, we are strongly committed to discover these hidden skills and to help every company to undercover, recruit and develop great candidates and employees. Because when companies know their perfect talent map, they have the confidence to dream bigger, think bolder and lead towards the future.

Noelia Aguirre Fernandez
Co-Founder & CEO

We are the future of work.

what we do

We build a neurotechnology platform that interprets human cognition, measures social and digital skills, and provides companies better information to understand their workforce and build remarkable teams by playing short and fun games.

meet robin's solutions

games + neuroscience

individual cognitive profile: Intelligence, social and agility.

games + neuroscience + AI

best matching fit of your candidate: Improve diversity and make smart talent decisions driven by actionable insights.

games + neuroscience + AI

identify collective intelligence, build and develop teams.

games + neuroscience + AI + VR

talent mapping, development & management.

robin formula / lab

Collective intelligence

it is defined as a group's ability to perform a wide range of tasks. C-factor predicts group performance better than individual intelligence.

The predictive power of Collective intelligence

Individual components

Main cognitive features of high Collective intelligence groups.

Cognitive style diversity

Max. individual intelligence

Avg. individual intelligence

Avg. social intelligence

The average social intelligence of group members is the strongest predictor of its Collective intelligence level (even if they do not work in a face-to-face context)

Visualize the impact

Robin numbers: talent adquisition

less time to hire

2/3 weeks

completion rate


increased retention


cost reduction


They have already chosen us